77.5 F
Thursday, September 19, 2024
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D. A LOT OF COUNTRIES ARE FALLING APART RIGHT NOW without any consequences for their leaders, governors, presidents, mayors, legislators, etc, and their citizens are paying for the results of the disastrous decisions that these people are making every day. It is like playing the RUSSIAN ROULETTE...
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D. The Constitution of the USA, in its Fifth Amendment, gives all its citizens the RIGHT NOT to AUTO-INCRIMINATE when any law enforcement officer arrests them for whatever reason. Police Officers or any other law enforcement officer has the OBLIGATION by law to tell the arrestee to...
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph. D. People are continuing asking WHY there are so many UNCOMMON SENSE decisions establishing EVIL'S POLICIES that are affecting and destroying millions of lives in the world but in particular, in the US, where for example, the mortality of young people is over 100,000 thousand every...
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D. The Mexican Cartel is now using drones to do surveillance of the US border patrols in order to introduce illegal immigrants, drugs, and narcotics into the USA. In the last few months, there have been more than 2,000 drones observed by civilians and border patrol officers,...
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D. Mexico is located in the south of the USA and has a population of about 127 million people. The size of its border with the US is close to 1,955 miles long. It has an army of approximately 278,000 soldiers and 82,000 reservists. Its president Mr....
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D North Korea, is a communist country with a population of approximately 26,300,000 million people, an army of close to 980,000 active soldiers, and 450,000 in reserve, ranking as number 34 of 145 around the world. Its dictator is Kim Jong-Un, the son of Kim Jong-Il, who...
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D. Every year there is an estimated 115,000 death in the US that are associated with drugs and narcotics, like heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, etc. This is approximately 300 deaths per day and most of them are very young people. In other words, this is a NATIONAL SECURITY...
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D. The Islamic Republic of Iran has a population estimated at 89 million, with an army of approximately 620,000 soldiers and some 380,000 in reserves. Iran is in position 17 of 143 armies around the world. The country of Iran is governed through a theocracy which means that...
By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D. Canada is the second-largest country after Russia, with a population of approximately 39 million habitants, and 3.855 million square miles of terrain. It has diplomatic relationships with 180 countries and an army of about 68,000 active members plus 27,000 reserve personnel, being ranked 27 of 145 troops...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. His name initially was Michael King Jr. He was a Minister at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, and also was known as a great leader of the Civil Right movement. On December 1, 1955, the news...