By: Onofre Jusino, Ph.D.
Every year there is an estimated 115,000 death in the US that are associated with drugs and narcotics, like heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, etc. This is approximately 300 deaths per day and most of them are very young people. In other words, this is a NATIONAL SECURITY problem for the government in terms of the future of the US population, such as the future of workers, teachers, engineers, soldiers, nurses, truckers, etc. The US is losing the youngest population by thousands and the alternatives to deal with the roots of this situation are not doing enough to avoid them to continue, besides the damage to the national economy and high crime, such as fraud, assault, murders, rapes, theft, kidnapping, etc.
The bolder patrols, police, DEA, FBI, and all the criminal justice system, in general, are involved in taking the drug addicts, some small dealers, traffickers, mules, etc, every year and looking to sentence them to jail, but the QUANTITY of drugs entering the US is enormous and not only by pounds but TONS, and the ability of the Cartel’s Bosses to enter the drug into the USA is superior to the criminal system and its preventive measures. In other words, the criminal system and the prevention to avoid drugs and narcotics entering the US at this moment DOESN’T WORK, and the Bosses of the different Cartels are winning the war against the USA by a lot.
The Cartel’s Bosses are in some way similar to the TERRORISTS that the US is ELIMINATING in Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc, via missiles from drones, without going into their territory and just by the signing of an executive order from the President of the USA, ordering the Director of the CIA and the NSA to conduct the searches via satellite, undercover operations, intelligence, etc, to find and ELIMINATE them with a hit from the skies.
The same thing can be done to the Bosses of the Cartel that are killing everyday young US citizens with drugs and are hiding in Mexico, Latin America, or whatever country they decide to operate from. Once the Bosses, who in some way are more dangerous than the terrorist because they are killing more people, will get to know that there is going to be a drone above them, and a MISSILE GOING TOWARD THEIR HEADS, they, as well as their partners, bodyguards, helpers, accomplices, etc, will know that there is constant DANGER from a MISSILE coming from the skies with a MADE in USA logo. Once one of them is eliminated, the rest will know that they are on the list and that the long arm of the USA justice will get them one way or another, because this is a real NATIONAL SECURITY matter, and when you want to kill a snake you have to chop off its head…